mercredi 11 septembre 2013

The Cricket and The Ant !

It has been  a long  time, yes  I was not arround!

 It is  SUMMER here in Tunisa
Summer is not like any summer elsewhere

I mean, it is the season  of taking a break of everything of the normal life, to go for a holiday, to enjoy, to swim, to sleeeeep and to sleep late and wake up late, and to Partyyyy !!!

In a place like Tunisia and especially Hammamet and  Nabul where there are nice beachs and a lot of hotels  and a lot of choices, Bars, Pubs, Parks, ... it is normal that We recieve  guests, oh! so  many Guests!!!

Tunisian, Algerian and Lybian are some special guests!
Now that Ramdhan is over, we are receiving more and more of them.
 Add to that it is the last two weeks before kids go back to school.
So it is the best time!!!
I agree with them it is logic.
for people working here 
It is time to work hard, Hard and Hard
They work from the morning to the night 
and they are lucky if they find enough time to sleep!

[ Just the bad thing is they just work hard now then they will be jobless for more than 6 months only because tourism works like this here and because our city is touristic and it depends with seasons (weather)].

In a hotel for exemple we recieve at least at least 1000 guests!
Yes do you imagine ??!!
I will share with you what I do in my desk and how many hours I spend a day  working! 
from 7am to 5pm or sometimes after, standing up talking to so many guests   and changing languages every single minute with every guest !!
I like to be perfect so 
I do explain for my guests clearly and help them and smile 
I love giving them a personal service and make a  special touch in their holiday :)
I enjoy that
  so imagine if you tell one "welcome" to each guest it will be 1000 words a day :D
Yes so that is why sometimes I don't find the time to write what I like sharing  with you !!
And this is The Ant's story  :)

The cricket had sung her song

all summer long
but found her victuals too few
when the north wind blew.
Nowhere could she espy
a single morsel of worm or fly.
Her neighbor, the ant, might,
she thought, help her in her plight,
and she begged her for a little grain
till summer would come back again.

                                                                                                              by Jean de La Fontaine


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