mardi 3 mai 2016

Beautiful Tunisia, Part I ; Hammamet

3aslemma, Hello, Namatee !!

Yeah, it has been long time since I wrote a word in my blog or share my experiences with you. I am sorry for that, but you  know life with its ups and downs sometimes it takes us away from what we love and enjoy doing.
Anyways, here I am ;) and this time I will share with you about my short holiday in Tunisia with my I Fiancé.

End of March 2016, was time when I decided to intreduce my fincé to my parents, and as I am in India that means TRAVEL :)  back home, frome India to Tunisia.

It is spring in Tunisia, just started getting warm and nice afetr a long winter, so we enjoyed the clear blue sky with a small snow white clouds, the warm sun shine, the beautiful colors, and of course people, family and food...

Some pictures for you :)

to be continued...


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