mardi 26 juillet 2016

Mayssuru, Bangaluru ! Incredible India

It  has been a while! I've been so busy that I did not up date and share with you. I've been in so many places in India end of 2015 and begining of 2016; the following post is about a beautful place in Bangalure or Bangaluru as they call it in the region, I went for a holiday with my fiancé, sometime in 2015.
we took a flight to Bangalore and from there we took a friend's car, so we drove all the way to Maysuru, for the Safari trip. There we staied in the Jungle Inn which is a small nice and confortable cottages, just near the safari. The place was amazing all green around, the food is clean and tasty. We had a good rest.
The other day we went to the safari, we took a jeep and we had a tour in the forest where we saw some animals, we were not lucky enough to see the tigre, but still we  had fun.

By night, at the Jingle Inn they projected a documentary about the cycle of life, very intersting information.

The next day in the way to Bangalore, we had the opportunity to visite some old palaces where it is not allowed to take pictures, but outside there I was so lucky and extremly happy to see an elephant for the first time in my life, so close! so huge! so real! and  I got a ride and  some pictures with it. That made my day, that made the whole trip actually :D

 Well lets not talk too much and share these pictures ;)


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