vendredi 31 janvier 2014


Hey everybody !
This post is for who loves culture, history, archeology, ruins and of course Tunisia !
I would love to show an other face of our country,  an other tourist product that we can offer to our guests!
And I want to say that Tunisa is not only a destination that you can visit only in summer when the weather is nice and you can enjoy its beaches and have a sun tein!
Tunisa is a rich destionation that you can enjoy as well in winter, you can enjoy its montains, its deserts and its archeological sites!

I am taking you, actually to one of those sites, MAKTHARIS or Makthar!

The archeological site of Makthar, vestige of the classic art Mactaris, is an archeological site of the west central region of Tunisia, situated to Makthar, city on the north border of the Tunisian ridge.

I wont talk to much, I will just  share with you  my pictures.
 I had the chance to be there two times; one in the summer with ECO-RANDONNEURS DU CAP BON, and the other trip alone in the winter !
just enjoy this nice place, and I know you will love it and plan a trip to visit it ;)

As I had the chance to visit this site in winter !
And here some picture

It makes me to imagine my self, if I was born 100 s years ago, at this place, what life I would live, what activities I would have, what clothes, what food , .... and you ?!

What about a life like this ?!


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