jeudi 12 mars 2015


what a nice feeling ! PACKING 

After more than two years here I am, back to India, back to the same place Vizag. This time I am travelling for work only. And I am working in a different domain ! not Tourism anymore; it is import-export company.

Getting indian Visa is really hard !

I met the owner of this company last Time in Vizag, he used to live in USA, and he used to be an AISEC member.
 As he needs now   someone to take care of his new investisment in Meadleast area, he contacted me because he found that I am the best person  to do this job!

I got the job!

I am a person who look for adventure, and differnt experience!
I know you think that I am a crazy person :) to go for a professional experience in India and not Europe or Canada or USA or Dubai , YES I am !
I don't like  sofisticated place, I do look for exotic places, to discover cultures and different life style than western ones!

Almost one month and a half since I joined here, it is amazing as usually!

Some pictures about my journey:


time to go

having a coffee at Dubai international aeroport and reading my book while waiting for the next flight to Hyderabad

change is not available in Euros so I had the chance to get some notes and coins from Dubai : DIRHAM

05:00 am through the Arabian sea From Dubai to India 

Here I am! one day before starting work, enjoying this summer weather 

And enjoying a fresh orange juice

New stories coming up soon 

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