samedi 4 avril 2015

People in India, Vizag (1)

This article is about one category of people here in India, other article will come up after this one about other categories!

  • They talk in your back some times in front of you they don't care about your feelings, it is so normal for them

  • A group of different people from different countries, all,  they speak english but when two or three Indians together in this group they will be absolutely talking thier language, no respect for others even when you ask them to talk english they say "oh yes!" but never they do, and  when you leave the group they ask you, why? like they don't know the reason  !!!!

  • Here about time if they tell you they will be there in 10 minutes, don't worry you will wait for 30 minutes plus, means total 40 minutes, if they say in 30 minutes will meat you, you should count at least one hour and half, and don't wait for "Sorry I am late" or  text you before and say "Sorry I will be late"  Don't expect that :)

  • In the streat, you are different so  they keep looking at you, you will accept it if it it is for few seconds it is normal and every where, but  they will keep doing it and  let you feel uncofortable, even when you look to them back too ask them to stop they don't stop, even when you are wearing indian style, sometimes in Hotels and Restaurants and classy place, will do the same ! ===> just ignor it 

  • In social medias, probabley after meeting nice people at work or an event,  you exchage with them your contactsyou, what think it is normal if they are highly educated and have a good intellectual level , what will happen is, they won't respect your privacy, they will try to contact you any time morning, night, ...  for no reason, probably you are polite so when they say "HI" you answer back just "HI" then they will start asking very personal question and make you regret the fact you did give them your contacts; "where are you" 
                          "what are you doing"
                          "what are you eating" "where"
                          "where you work, and your timing"
                          " when is your off day ", and so on ....

It is like very imprtant to know, or they have right to ask you, and you know what ? even when you dont answer  do you think they will understand and stop it, forget about it never ever ===> take lesson from that, unfreind them and never do it again 

  • Drivers, tultuk's drivers, when you ask them to go some where before you get it, you try to be as clear as you can,  they  pretend they understand they ask you to come in, you ask before about price, generally for me I know places so I now exactelly how much it could be, but because you are not Indian they will ask for the double you just try to negociate, and if  they dont accept you go away just  3 steps then  they will ask you " M'm M'm come ok ok ". you go with them you think everything is fine, you did what you have to do! but it seems that they didn't understand and they are taking you to a wrong place!!! even if you want to fight they won't understand :( no way !
Once it happened to me, I was with my Mexican friend Valeria, when he took us to wrong place I was  fighting with him, she was scared, I told him "why you are taking us here if you didn't undersand, I will call right now the police, ..." of course I didn't have any police officer's number, I asked her to get out from his tuktuk, I took my phone and I took a picture for him and his tuktuk number, that time his was so scared , he told me "come M'm I will take you where you want" but I didn't trust him any more, it might be more dangerous, so I asked him to take the maney and just go, he was stressed and shouting "come M'm come" but no way, I was shouting back " take the money and go, or the police right no" he was so scared, I don't know how come I was that strong at that place, Valeria was so stressed and scared, he didn't take the money and he left, 
I just and Valeria felt sorry for him because he didn't take the money, but so mad at him because he didn't understand us, he  didn't ask proprely where we want to go! 
We took an other tuktuk and we were safe!

  • At Restaurant, they are over over over friendly, you can't feel confortable and have your meel, they are so close and every minutes they come to check and talk and ask more and more, there are limits between giving a good service and bother customers!

  • Your value as a person here is HOW MACH YOU HAVE : Money,  and how much Gold  for ladies sometimes for men, they treat each other only for that, nothing elese matter! even highly educated people, even those who studied in USA or UK wich is common here and they always showing to everybody that they are different and they keep telling '' Oh I studied in US/UK" every time you meet them , they have the same mentality. Totally doesn't matter your work, your social work, the way you think, ... NOTHING only Gold/Money  even "human wrights" NO very reach Or NO ( those reach people they don't have the sense of being classy, just spend many in food and drinks and gold, other apearince doesn't matter, like the wy you look, or fashion, ... ). Poor people are treated as SERVANTS ( des esclaves ) Not humain being, I feel petty, sorry for them it is just very hard, dont just accept this big Intervale between both Classes  

=====> India s too big, what I am talking about here is one category of so 
many, of this billion people! so you meet all kind of them in this incredible country 

coming up soon Good people in India, Vizag 

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