mercredi 10 juillet 2013


Good evening !!!
 W Sa77a Ftourkom
So today is the first day of the blessed month Ramadhan !!!
It is a special month for Muslims, exactly like Christmas Night for  Christians !
Here in Tunisia as well it is a very special month!!
People wait for it and  expect its moon  two days before, yes two days even sometimes more!
Once the Cheikh sees the Moon, he anounce offecially the blessed Month !
Then you feel happiness everywhere!
We call relatives and friends to wish them !
And for food, Moms start baying special things one week before at least !!!
The first day is hard for everybody !
wak up early and go to work without getting coffee is not easy !!
But we are strong and we do it! only because we beleive !
Here I am sharing with you few pics 
And I wish you a Blessed Ramdhan you and your Family !!

Few minutes before the Azan !

Enjoy your Evening :)

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