mercredi 6 mai 2015

Araku Valley


Today I am taking you  to one of the famous tourist places arround Vizag, wich is The ARAKU VALLEY.

Araku Valley is a hill station, 114 km far away from Vizag, 911 metters altitude. The valley is surrounded by Forests and Montains like Raktakonda, chitamgondi and Galikonda wich is one of the highest in the state of Andra Pradesh 1500 M.

We started our journey early morning, me, my friend Uday, his friend Sachin, and we were expeting Valeria my mexican firend to be with us,  but for some reasons she couldn't do it.

We were so lucky as the day was cloudy and not very hot. The way was very cool, through forests and mountains. In the Car we had amasing conversations and that is how I discovered that Sachin is an AIESEC Member so we had a lot to share.

We took so many crazy pictures, we enjoyed the Scinic views. I had the chance to see Monkeys in the way. it was such funny creatures !

We met some local people, I was glad to do ! then we had some local food!

It was a quit good day for me, away from work and city and stress, something differnt! and just you feel that you are doing something new out of your usual routine makes you feel happy and positive. A green fresh day with nice people! I am glad I made it, and a bit sorry for my friend Valeria who wanted it badley then she couldn't make for some health issues!
               The post dedicated to Valeria !

 Here are some pictures to share with you  :)

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