jeudi 21 mai 2015

Taj Mahal

The first World Wonder!

A huge peace of Art, Taj Mahal  the Crown Of Palace was built  by the  Mughal Emperor  Shah Jahan son of Jihanguir for his 3rd Wife  Mumtaz Mahal the beloved one, who had died giving birth to thier fourteenth child.  It took him 22 years to build it from 1630 to 1652.

It is a White Marble Moseleum, located in the  south side of the Yamuna River.It is the best example of the Mughal archetecture, decorated with stones and dimonds, surrounded by a huge beautiful garden, and has fontains and pools, in its left side  a Mosque was there and it is open even nowdays for pray,  its right side a guest house is there was used for recieving VIP visitors that time. And in the Meadle is the Taj Mahal wich means the crown of the palce, inside it the tomb of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan.

I had the occasion to visit it with my friend, we planned to wear indian dresses and enjoy the journey. It took us 4 hours from our hotel to Agra, it was very very hot day more than 40° C and very dry air.

There, foreigner girls wearing sarees is something very exotic and sptial, all the local visitors stopped us and wanted to take pictures with us and sometimes they didnt even ask, they just click us!

 At the begining it was ok, but after some minutes we felt unconfortable and we couldn't take our time to visite and listen to the guide, we felt a little bit stressed because of this and because of the hot weither.

I was very amazed by the beauty of Taj Mhal and the love story behind it, but I didn't like the envirment arround it;  totaly opposit, How come in that time the Emperor could make this beautiful peace of Art, that every one in the world dream to visit, and now they can't make the area arround it looks nice and a good touristic destination?  ( clean road, shops for souvenirs with fixed price, coffeeshopes/ fast food, Henna and tatoo, small meseum, ...)!  while they recieve every day thousands of visitors local and tourists!

I want to share with you those few pictures

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