mercredi 24 avril 2013

Crazy Weekend a Tunis

My destination for the first weekend in Tunisia was the Capital Tunis!!
I missed the girls Sabrina & Mejda and I  had to go spend time with them.
The program was rich,
Friday, I arrived at 4 pm, I met Sabrina in the station  where she came to pick me up. We went to midtown  to meet Mejda and do some shopping (at Berska, yes we do have Bershka in Tunisia).
Then we got back home  to get ready for the night.
Clothes; try this, with this, no no it is not nice! why not this with this,  make up, jewelries, handbags, shoes ! and yep HERE WE ARE ! Very beautiful girls! and now the destination is La Marssa for the opening of the "Bon Vieux Temps  Restaurant".
In our  way we got some flowers, as you can see in the pictures !!!

Saturday, I spend it with Sabrina, we met Imen my sis, we had lunch together, then we went back to the "Bon Vieux temps Restaurant" to meet some other friends and take some pictures.

At 1 pm we started feeling tired, and we decided to look for a place where we can drink a coffee and have some wifi connection, and after long ride we found Beans&Co Coffee house !!! A cool place in the road of Awina. 
We got two delicious Frappucciono (vanilla and Caramel) and we spent there more than 3 hours chilling out!!! 

At 5 pm, Mejda called as asking to join her in our friend's house prepare his birthday party, so we left Beans&Co coffee house and we joint her. Great party! we met a lot of interesting people, we had laods of fun !

This is how I spent my weekend, I enjoyed it !
Sundy morning, changing places. Time to pack for the East of Tunisia; Kef to visit my parents in our  farm, and  you will see; totally different places and vibes !!!
(coming soon)

4 commentaires:

  1. amazing :)
    yes we had fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun :)

  2. Yes, Thank you! and be reaaaaady for this weekend!!! I have a surprise !!

  3. Oh Sana!
    You look so pretty in the long skirt!
    I miss you!
    A million hugs for you!
    And you make me want to visit to you in your country!

  4. Oh! Jasmine,
    I miss you too! and absolutly you should come and visit me, ther is a lot to see here in Tunisa, and we will have fun!
    Million hugs for you too !!!



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