lundi 25 mars 2013

4 months in Vizag,

   Vizag, or Visakhapatnam, this small costal city of the southern state Andra Pradesh in India, there I had my first experience in India. HOW ???

  After graduation, what should I do?  
  - Stay at home
  -  Get married
  -   Have a job, normal position, with low salary, not in my doamin (tourism) and no potential to learn or develop my skills and my professionalism.
    The answer is NO !!
Because I didn't have those long  years of studying to do this, I want  to be differnat to see the world, to live advetures, to  be special and have an internatinal experience! 
 That is what i got with AIESEC,  only put my profil in the system and get so many offers and chose what  want, 
 wanted to go so ar away from Tunisia, to see exotic country, to learn about cultures, civilisations, colors, stories, ...
I selected India, very nice offer in a very nice boutique hotel "The Park Vizag"

Very nice 4 months experience, I met very nice people and I just let my pictures tel the story !

Now, living a new begining in an other city of an other state of India, it means a new country totaly different with a different langauge and different culture! Bangalore in Kornataka, India :) 

dimanche 17 mars 2013

Nostalgie! Maroc et Amis

    Life in India now is cool, this week no stories to talk about it. Then it is an occasion to talk about other experience in an other country.

The spring of last year, I was living in a big cultural exchange program in Morocco ; Casablanca.

      I was in Morocco but visiting so many other countries at the same time, because I was living with people from more than 15 places in the World! sharing with them everything, It was great and every night we were traveling in one of it by its food,its drink, its dance, its clothes, its culture, its stories, ...
Each weekend, we program together to visit an other place an Morocco, just take the train and the good mood and fly discovering the country!
People in Morocco are friendly, generous and helpful! 

Spain, Tunisia, Argentina and Hungary 

 Colombia, Mexico, Tunisia and 

Visiting Marrakech, with Moroccan friends 

Morocco, Brazil, Mexico, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany and Russia 
Japan and Tunisia 

Taste the generousity of Moroccain people and  Share their food!
With a host family 
Morocco, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia, Colombia, Poland, Germany and Morocco  

Poland, Netherland, Mexico, Germany and Tunisia 

A delecious moroccan breakfast ! 

Morocco, Bahreen, Tunisia, Morocco, Peru and Morocco 

Morocco,Tunisia, Russia and colombia 

I miss the place and people with who J was traveling there; Laura, Anton, Luana, Eszter, Hiroshi, Sarra, Dragan, Ximena, Inna, Mary, Nevena, Victor,.... 

jeudi 14 mars 2013

Playing Golf, an activity to do in Visakhapatnam

Living in India, in Visakhapatnam for a while, sometimes looks like a very boring life style; nothing special to do! 

This is just for lazy people! because everywhere in the world your life depends of you ! it is up to the person, is he a seeker for special and crazy things and activities to do or not!

For me, no way to stay one day without doing new things in my break time, the same in my day off! even in a small city like Visakhapatnam and in hot climate! 

And the secret is :  be Curious and have good friends with who you can share those moments !

 Here I am in the Golf course of this city of India , in my break time on sunday with my Italian friends having fun and trying something new, and doing well on it ! 

It is only one activity to do here, there is a lot to see and discover just you need to be curious and crazy enough to do it ;) 

lundi 11 mars 2013

24 hours in HYDERABAD

   Hyderabad , the capital and the largest city of the southern indian state Andhra Pradesh,  is as big as my country Tunisia, even almost it has the same population !

  Long time since I came to India, to Visakhapatnam, an other city of Andhra Pradesh state, and long time I was planing to go somewhere, to travel and see the country. But, I had all the time something stopping me to go :/ !
  Finally without any previous program, I am traveling! I am going out of Visakhapatnam for the first time!
  Okay let's talk about the city now, Hyderabad, historically very rich with civilisations, it has a lot great sites. And a big part of its culture is about Islam and Muslim indian people.
 24 hours not enough to visit such big city, so I tried to see as much as I can, and to spend time with my generous host family :) !

My day started at 9 am, a ride in the city, 


Of course it is interesting to visit an other hotel of THE PARK HOTEL CHAIN, Park Hyderabad 
Park Hyderabad hotel

Public Garden

Once to be in Hyderabad, it is no way to miss visiting the old city and CHAR MINAR, 


the single stone Budha statue
  It is time now to join my host family for launch, 

Have a mexicain  food in CHILIS

 The direction now is to GOLCONDA FORT, 

Go to the temple and put this blessing mark 
 coxistance of religions, temples, and mosques in the top of the hill, the top of the huge fort !

and at night go tp party in Novotel,

24 hours not enough ! I need more :) 


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