vendredi 8 mars 2013

Happy women’s day!! India, Vizag, THE PARK

      Let's start the story from the present and, i'll go back to the past in other posts, so now I am in India, in Andhra Pradesh state, In Visag. I am having an experience with AIESEC of course in a five stars hotel.

Today is the international women's day, here in India, In Vizag, wher I work The Park hotel, the Manager organized for ladies a special day. 

We started our day at 7:00 am with a yoga session for one hour, with a professional coach. It was relaxing and perfect.
Then our general manager came to wish all of us and he invited us to have a breakfast in Vista restaurant together.

The first time I see those ladies without uniform, very  beautiful and elegant with theire indian dresses and indian style, the breakfast was delicious   because we are sharing it and gothering for the first time: Joking, loughing and having fun!
After a wile, around 9:30 am, we went to the meeting room to start our  program. The humain ressourses responsable prepared for us a quiz. We were four teams of three ladies, and you guess what my tem was the wenner !!! 

with the General Manager

The general manager came again and gave us our gifts; flowers and chocolate. 
then we asked him to give us the permetion to go out, to the cinema for example, or somewhere elese and he simply accepted telleing "lets men work today ".
More than 12 ladies, we took cars from the hotel and we went to the bigest mall in the city where there is the  new cinema! we got tikets, and when we were  waiting for the movie we went to the food lounge in the top floor to eat, then we did some shopping.
The movie was a hindi movie with the hindi language so I couldin't really understand the whole story but it was funny!!!
In the end of the day after having some rest, I went back to work for the evening shift as usuly, and when I was just seting in the front office desk, all my russian men guests (who are in the hotel for a long stay with thier families) came to me with a bouquet of roses, and a camera ! I was so surprised and Happy, they came to wish me a happy women's day! and kiss my hand! and take picture with me! it was so sweet of them!!

Happy Wemen's Day ! :)

waiting for the quiz session in the hotel garden

Russian's gift 

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